Taking Your Pet for an Annual Check-up

Tips For Reducing Your Pet's Stress During A Trip To The Veterinarian

by Camila Holmes

Taking your pet to the veterinarian on a regular basis is a requirement if you want your pet to live a long and happy life. But the experience of going to the vet itself is often anything but happy for most pets. If your pet frequently experiences a high amount of stress during these visits, here are some tips that might help.

Take Your Pet in for a Meet and Greet

If your pet doesn't do well with having strangers handle it, you should take your dog or cat to see the veterinarian when there is no appointment scheduled. Most vets are happy to pet and play with a new potential customer for a few minutes at the end of their day. Then, when your pet goes back to get poked and prodded, it will at least already be familiar with the veterinarian.

Keep Your Distance

If you are concerned about how your pet will react when surrounded by other pets, try to keep your distance from the other animals in the waiting room. Sit back in a corner where there are no other pets around or keep your pet on your lap. If other pet owners come over, attempt to warn them that your pet does not play well with others. If you want to be extra cautious, stay in the parking lot with your pet and call the office to let them know you have arrived. They can call or text you back when it's time to go in for the appointment.

Bring Distractions

It can also help to bring along a favorite toy to try and keep your pet distracted while in the waiting room. That said, it's probably not a good idea to bring any food or treats as this could cause your pet to become too excited and it might even attract attention from other pets in the waiting room. If this strategy is not working, just try to keep your pet facing you while sitting in the waiting room, so it doesn't see all of the chaos around it.

A trip to the veterinarian's office can be stressful for many pets. If you want to help yours get through the experience as easy as possible, keep your distance from other pets and consider letting your pet meet the veterinarian when there is no appointment scheduled. For more tips, reach out to your local veterinarian office today.  
