Taking Your Pet for an Annual Check-up

Steps To Take If Your Dog Gets A Tick Bite

by Camila Holmes

Noticing a tick on your dog can be stressful for some pet parents. It's important to know which steps to take so your dog can stay as healthy as possible. Here are a few things to do if you spot a tick on your dog's skin.

Remove The Tick

The first step to take is to remove the tick. This should be done carefully to avoid discomfort and potential infections at the site. Have someone help you so one person can keep your dog still while the other removes the tick. Sterilize any instruments you use beforehand, such as tweezers, and gently remove the tick. If you aren't able to remove the tick on your own, contact your veterinarian for assistance. You may be able to schedule an emergency appointment to have it removed professionally.

Contact Your Veterinarian

Once the tick has been removed, contact your veterinarian. Tick bites can carry a risk of Lyme Disease and other conditions, and your vet may want to run some blood tests to diagnose any potential issues caused by the tick bite. The veterinarian can also inspect the site of the bite to look for signs of infection. While you are at the vet's office, ask to have your dog checked for additional tick bites just in case there are more attached to the skin that need to be removed.

Look For Additional Symptoms

One possible complication from tick bites is tick paralysis. After your dog experiences a tick bite, it's important to look for symptoms that might include vomiting, increased heart rate, and difficulty eating. You may also notice that your dog is uneasy when trying to walk or is unable to move. If you notice any of these symptoms, or any other symptoms that make you feel uneasy, contact your veterinarian right away. Your veterinarian may recommend a special bath, but more serious cases may also require hospitalization for your dog. Removing the tick is the first step in treatment, so be sure that you look for any additional ticks on your dog when you spot symptoms of tick paralysis in your dog.

Tick bites can be very serious, and it's important to take immediate steps to remove the tick and seek medical assistance from your veterinarian. With the right precautions, you can help prevent infections, treat complications, and help your dog stay as healthy as possible. Visit a site like http://www.emergencypetclinics.com for more help caring for your dog.
