Taking Your Pet for an Annual Check-up

What You Should Know About Dental Care For Dogs

by Camila Holmes

When you are a dog owner, their health is one of your top priorities. You take them in for regular vaccinations and for care when they are sick or injured. But what you may not know is that dental care is also an important part of being a dog owner. Get to know some of the facts about dental care for dogs as well as what you can do to care for your dog's teeth and oral health. Then, you can be sure you are being the best dog owner you can be going forward. 

Dogs Need Daily Tooth Brushing 

Just like humans, to keep their teeth in top shape, dogs need daily tooth brushing and cleaning. It can be very easy for dog food to get caught in the teeth and gums when dogs eat. This buildup of food can lead to plaque and tartar buildup. This, in turn, can lead to infections, cavities, and other decay and damage. 

To prevent these issues from occurring with your dog, they will need their teeth brushed daily. There are toothbrushes designed specifically for dogs that you can fit over your finger. Dog toothpaste is also available in flavors like peanut butter. You take the toothbrush on your finger and rub it against their teeth and gums (as well as you can). Rinsing afterward is not necessary as the toothpaste is safe for your dog to swallow. Try to do this at least once a day if not twice a day to keep their teeth as clean as possible. 

It Isn't Just About Their Teeth

Good oral care for dogs is about much more than their teeth. When a dog gets an infection in their mouth, such as in the case of gum disease, the bacteria from that infection can get carried elsewhere in the body through the bloodstream or through their saliva. This can lead to secondary infections throughout the body. Gum disease and cardiovascular problems, as well as diabetes, are also linked. As such, taking care of your dog's oral health helps to protect their overall health as well as their oral health. 

Annual Dental Cleanings Are Important

Annual dog dental cleanings are also an important part of your dog's oral healthcare routine. These dog dental cleanings are performed by a veterinarian and are a deep-cleaning, much like your dental cleanings with a dentist. The big difference is that dogs are put under general anesthesia for their dental cleanings. This helps the veterinarian to get a thorough look at all of your dog's teeth and get them clean without stressing your dog out. Annual dental cleanings for dogs also include x-rays to ensure that there are no hidden problems beneath the surface. 

Now that you know more about dental care for dogs, you can be sure that you are taking care of your dog's teeth at home and that you schedule their cleaning appointment with the vet as soon as possible. 
