Taking Your Pet for an Annual Check-up

3 Tips To For Taking Your Nervous Pet To The Animal Hospital Or Veterinarian

by Camila Holmes

If you have a dog or cat that gets nervous around other animals, you may be dreading the upcoming trip to the animal hospital for your pet's regular checkup. That said, the experience doesn't have to be a negative one and can even go smoothly with a little preparation. Here are a few tips that might help. 

1. Wait Outside Until It's Your Turn

For many pet owners, the worst part of the animal hospital experience is when you and your pet are sitting in the waiting room with lots of other pet owners and their pets. This is the perfect opportunity for your pet to freak out or get way too excited when it sees all of the activity going on. If you know the waiting room will be a problem, call the hospital in advance and let them know when you arrive but tell them you are going to sit in your car with your pet until it's time to see the veterinarian. The hospital can call you back on your cell phone when it's the right time. This will keep your pet out of the animal hospital except for when it's necessary.

2. Go After Closing

Most animal hospitals understand that some pets don't play well with others are usually willing to accommodate. Some might even be willing to stay later than normal to see problem animals. See if you can schedule an appointment at the animal hospital after official closing time. This should make the waiting room devoid of other pet owners and their pets and will allow your pet to get some special attention.

3. Have a Meet and Greet

If the problem for your pet will not be the waiting room but the actual appointment, see if you can take your pet to meet the veterinarian at a time when no inspection is scheduled. The vet can simply talk to your pet, maybe even play with it a little, so the next time your pet goes in, it sees a familiar face. Most veterinarians are willing to schedule a "getting to know you" appointment when taking on a new client.

If your pet is nervous when going to an animal hospital, try and show up before or after normal hours or keep your pet in the car until it's appointment time. For more tips and best practices on how to keep your pet calm, reach out to your local veterinarian today.
