Taking Your Pet for an Annual Check-up

What You Should Know About Kidney Problems And Your Dog

by Camila Holmes

Many different health issues can affect the dog that you consider your loyal companion. One of the most devastating health issues that your dog can face is kidney problems or kidney failure. If you are a dog owner that is concerned about kidney issues and your dog, get to know some of the facts about canine kidney problems and what you should look out for in your dog. Then, you can get your dog to the pet hospital at the first sign of kidney troubles. 

Kidney Problems Are More Common In Older Dogs

The first thing you should know about kidney problems and kidney failure is that they are most common in older (senior) dogs. These dogs are more prone to developing infections of the kidneys or simply having the kidneys wear out and shut down. However, this does not mean that it is impossible for younger dogs to develop kidney problems. 

Aside from age-related issues, kidney problems in dogs can be caused by certain illnesses and infections, the ingestion of poisons, and even certain medications they may be taking for other ailments. Because of this, do not rule out kidney problems with your dog just because of their age. Doing so would be a mistake that could cost your dog their life. 

Signs of Kidney Problems Can Be Subtle

Another important fact to know about kidney problems in dogs is that the early signs that something is amiss could be subtle. To detect these problems early, you need to be very attuned to your dog's normal behaviors. For example, one of the first signs you might notice in a dog with kidney problems is that they start drinking more water than usual. Drinking excess water can be a habit to make up for the kidneys not filtering out waste as well as they should. 

Other signs of kidney problems in dogs include changes in how much they urinate, problems with their appetite, and acting depressed or as if their energy is especially low. They might also develop more obvious signs of trouble like blood in their urine and mouth ulcers. 

Do Not Hesitate to Contact Your Veterinarian 

When the signs of kidney problems are still subtle, many dog owners hesitate to contact their veterinarian or go to the pet hospital. They think that they should just wait out the problem and see if it improves. While this can be successful in some cases, if your dog does have kidney problems, the issue can get worse quite quickly.

It is better to contact your veterinarian right away or simply take your dog in right away to have tests run and get checked out. That way, if they do have a kidney infection or other kidney-related problem, they can get the help and treatment they need as soon as possible. 

Now that you know more about kidney problems and dogs, you can be sure that you take the best care of your dog and their kidneys going forward. For more information, contact a vet office like Baywood Animal Hospital.
