Taking Your Pet for an Annual Check-up

4 Questions To Ask Before Your Pet's Upcoming Surgery

by Camila Holmes

If your pet is having surgery done in the near future--regardless of whether it's a "routine" spay/neuter surgery or a more complex procedure, you may be feeling understandably nervous and unsure of what to expect. If your veterinary team hasn't yet briefed you on the process, it would be wise to give the office a call prior to your pet's day of intake to ask some important questions that will help you plan for the days and weeks ahead.

1. Will Anesthetic Bloodwork Be Done?

Generally, pets are placed under general anesthesia for any kind of surgical procedure. And because anesthesia can affect pets in many different ways, it is always a good idea for your vet to perform pre-anesthetic bloodwork in the days leading up to the surgery. This will ensure that your pet can safely be placed under anesthesia and help the veterinarian get a better idea of how much anesthesia will be required for the procedure.

2. When Will the Surgery Actually Be Performed?

Many veterinary offices have set days each week when their veterinarians perform surgeries. More than likely, you'll be instructed to drop your pet off early in the morning on one of these days--though it may not be until much later in the day until your pet's procedure is actually performed. Don't hesitate to inquire about your vet office's surgery-day routines so you can get a better idea of when your pet will be in surgery.

3. Will I Be Able to Visit While My Pet is in Recovery?

More than likely, you'll want to be able to visit your pet while he or she is in recovery. And in most cases, this shouldn't be a problem. Still, it's a good idea to inquire about visitation ahead of time so you can have an idea of when to come by and anything else you may need to know before you drop in.

4. When Should I Be Able to Bring My Pet Home?

This can vary greatly depending on the procedure your pet is having done, but it's important that you have a general idea of when you should be able to bring your pet home and what steps you may need to take to make your home more accommodating for your pet's recovery.

These are just a few of the most important questions to ask your vet office as your pet prepares for any type of surgery. For more information, contact a vet office like Buck Road Animal Hospital.
